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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(1): e014619, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058010


Abstract Parasitic myelopathy caused by Gurltia paralysans in domestic cats is a disease commonly reported in several South American countries. The adult parasite is lodged in the meningeal veins and spinal cord, often causing clinical manifestations of vascular proliferation, thrombophlebitis, and medullary compression. Wild felines are believed to be the definitive hosts of this parasite. The infection occurs through the ingestion of paratenic hosts, but the life cycle of G. paralysans is not yet clearly understood. In this paper, we discuss a case of parasitic myelopathy in a margay (Leopardus wiedii) that died during post-surgical care. Necropsy revealed focal hemorrhages in the thoracolumbar spinal cord. A microscopic examination revealed adult nematodes and eggs inside the veins of subarachnoid space in spinal cord, suggesting G. paralysans infection. This is first description of parasitic myelopathy in a margay in Brazil.

Resumo Mielopatia parasitária causada por Gurltia paralysans em gatos domésticos é uma doença comumente relatada em vários países da América do Sul. O parasita adulto aloja-se nas veias das meninges e da medula espinhal, muitas vezes causando proliferação vascular, tromboflebite e compressão medular, que se manifestam como sinais clínicos. Acredita-se que os felídeos selvagens sejam hospedeiros definitivos deste parasita e que a infecção ocorre por ingestão de hospedeiros paratênicos, entretanto seu ciclo de vida completo é desconhecido. Aqui, apresentamos um caso de um gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii) que morreu durante a assistência pós-cirúrgica. Na necropsia, foram observadas hemorragias focais na medula espinhal toracolombar. A microscopia revelou presença de nematódeos adultos e ovos, localizados dentro das veias do espaço subaracnoide da medula espinhal, o que sugeriu a infecção por G. paralysans. Esta é a primeira descrição de mielopatia parasitária em um gato-maracajá no Brasil.

Animals , Cats , Spinal Cord Diseases/parasitology , Felidae/classification , Nematoda/isolation & purification , Nematode Infections/veterinary , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnosis , Brazil , Felidae/parasitology , Animals, Wild , Nematoda/classification , Nematode Infections/diagnosis , Nematode Infections/parasitology
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(3): 783-797, jul.-sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-778084


El estado de Michoacán se caracteriza por presentar una importante heterogeneidad ambiental, en términos de clima, topografía y tipos de vegetación, que incluyen al bosque tropical seco que se encuentra en peligro de extinción a nivel mundial. Algunos trabajos mencionan la presencia de las seis especies de felinos que habitan en México, para la región; sin embargo, la evidencia para apoyar estos trabajos es escasa, por lo que llenar esta falta de información es especialmente crítico en el caso de especies o hábitats amenazados. El objetivo de este estudio fue sistematizar la información y analizar los patrones de distribución de los felinos en el estado de Michoacán, dentro del centro-occidente de México. Realizamos una revisión de la información bibliográfica y contenida en bases de datos sobre la presencia de felinos en esta región. Asimismo, realizamos trabajo de campo que en el curso de diez años donde se aplicaron distintos métodos para detectar la presencia de especies de felinos (recorrido de senderos para obtener evidencia directa e indirecta de la presencia de las especies, trampas cámara y entrevistas). Localizamos 29 registros de presencia en literatura y bases de datos. Por otra parte acumulamos un total de 1 107.5 km de transectos recorridos y 8 699 días/cámara-trampa. A través de este esfuerzo de muestreo, generamos 672 registros de presencia de las seis especies. Lynx rufusfue la especie con menos registros totales (n = 3) y cuya distribución contrastó más con la del resto de las especies. La especie con más registros fue Leopardus pardalis(n = 343). En general, el 89% de los registros de felinos se obtuvieron por debajo de los 1 000 msnm. En promedio, la temperatura media anual y la precipitación anual donde se ubicaron los registros fue de 24 °C y 1 040 mm respectivamente. La especie que mostro un patrón más claro en términos de temperatura y precipitación fue L. rufus(15.8 ± 1.3°C y 941 ± 171 mm). De acuerdo con el dendrograma resultante del análisis de conglomerados de las combinaciones de ecorregiones y tipos de vegetación se logró distinguir cinco grupos. Este estudio permite tener un panorama más completo de los patrones de distribución de los felinos en una región de importante contraste ambiental y sujeto a un fuerte impacto por las actividades humanas. Asimismo, los datos generados en este estudio pueden ayudar a profundizar nuestro entendimiento de la relación que existe entre la distribución de especies de felinos y las características del ambiente y servir como base para el desarrollo de estrategias de conservación local y regional.

The Michoacán state is characterized by the existence of important environmental heterogeneity in terms of climate, topography and types of vegetation, which includes the worldwide endangered tropical dry forest. Some reports indicating the presence of the six species of felids occurring in Mexico in this region have been made; however, evidence to support these reports is scant, and filling this lack of information is particularly critical in the case of threatened species or habitats. The aim of this study was to systematize and analyze data distribution patterns of felids in the state of Michoacán, in the Central-Western Mexico. We conducted a review of literature and databases to compile species presence records in the study region. Moreover, we analyzed data obtained from ten years of field work conducted in the region, in which complementary methods (detection of direct and indirect evidence of species occurrence along transects, camera-trapping and interviews to local people) were applied to detect the presence of felid species. We compiled a total of 29 presence records of felids in the region from our review. Additionally, field work, which accumulated 1 107.5 km of walked transects, and 8 699 camera-trap days, produced 672 records of species presence. Lynx rufuswas the species with the lowest number of records and the most restricted distribution. In contrast, the species with the greatest number of records was Leopardus pardalis(n = 343). In general, 89% of felids records occurred below 1 000 masl. Overall mean annual temperature of presence records was 24 °C and mean annual precipitation was 1 040 mm. The species whose presence records showed the most distinctive pattern, in terms of temperature and precipitation associated, was L. rufus(15.8 ± 1.3°C and 941 ± 171 mm). Results of a cluster analysis showed that areas supporting different combinations of eco-regions and types of vegetation could be grouped in five clusters having different assemblages of felid species and camera-trapping records. This study results useful to garner a more comprehensive view of the distribution patterns of felids in a region with important environmental contrasts and subjected to an increased human pressure. Moreover, this study provides insights that further our understanding of the relationship between environmental variables and felid distribution patterns which may have an impact for conservation and management strategies at the local and regional levels.

Animals , Ecosystem , Felidae/classification , Conservation of Natural Resources , Endangered Species , Mexico , Population Density , Spatial Analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(3): 799-813, jul.-sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-778085


Resumen:La estimación de la densidad de fauna silvestre permite tener una idea del estado de salud de las poblaciones y en algunos casos indica el estado de conservación de los ecosistemas. Los métodos de evaluación deben hacer estimaciones no sesgadas, ya que servirán de base para estrategias de conservación de especies clave. Algunas regiones en México han sido identificadas como áreas de alta prioridad para la conservación de especies con cierto nivel de riesgo, como es la Península de Yucatán (PY), donde prevalece la mayor población de jaguares en México. Sin embargo, poco se sabe acerca de la situación actual de los felinos amenazados y en peligro de extinción, como un grupo de especies que conviven en la parte noreste de la Península. Nuestro objetivo fue estimar la densidad de las poblaciones de felinos silvestres a mediano plazo en la Reserva Ecológica El Edén (EEER) y sus alrededores. Se llevaron a cabo muestreos con cámaras-trampa durante cuatro años (2008, 2010, 2011 y 2012), se usaron modelos de captura-recaptura para poblaciones cerradas (CAPTURA + MMDM o VMMDM) y un modelo de C-R espacial-mente explícito (CERC) por medio del paquete SPCACAP para realizar las estimaciones de densidad. Las especies estudiadas fueron: jaguar (Panthera onca),puma (Puma concolor),ocelote (Leopardus pardalis),jaguarundi (Puma yaguaroundi)y tigrillo (Leopardus wiedii).La frecuencia de captura se obtuvo para las cinco especies y la densidad para tres (individuos/100km2). La densidad estimada por medio de MMDM varió entre 1.2 y 2.6 para jaguares, pumas (1.7-4.3) y ocelotes (1.4-13.8). Las estimaciones de la densidad en SPACECAP variaron desde 0.7 hasta 3.6 para jaguares, de 1.8 a 5.2 para pumas y de 2.1 a 5.1 en ocelotes. El método de C-R espacialmente explícito (SECR, SPACECAP) tiene menos probabilidades de sobrestimar la densidad, lo que provee una herramienta útil en el proceso de planificación y toma de decisiones para la conservación de estas especies. La parte noreste de la Península de Yucatán mantiene poblaciones altas de felinos, la REEE y sus alrededores son clave para la conservación de este grupo de depredadores.

Abstract:Wildlife density estimates provide an idea of the current state of populations, and in some cases, reflect the conservation status of ecosystems, essential aspects for effective management actions. In Mexico, several regions have been identified as high priority areas for the conservation of species that have some level of risk, like the Yucatan Peninsula (YP), where the country has the largest population ofjaguars. However, little is known about the current status of threatened and endangered felids, which coexist in the Northeastern portion of the Peninsula. Our objective was to estimate the wild cats' density population over time at El Eden Ecological Reserve (EEER) and its surrounding areas. Camera trap surveys over four years (2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012) were conducted, and data were obtained with the use of capture-recapture models for closed populations (CAPTURE + MMDM or 'V MMDM), and the spatially explicit capture-recapture model (SPACECAP). The species studied were jaguar (Panthera onca),puma (Puma concolor),ocelot (Leopardus pardalis),jaguarundi (Puma yaguaroundi)and margay (Leopardus wiedii).Capture frequency was obtained for all five species and the density for three (individuals/100km2). The density estimated with The Mean Maximum Distance Moved (MMDM), CAPTURE, ranged from 1.2 to 2.6 for jaguars, from 1.7 to 4.3 for pumas and from 1.4 to 13.8 for ocelots. The density estimates in SPACECAP ranged from 0.7 to 3.6 for jaguars, from 1.8 to 5.2 for pumas and 2.1 to 5.1 for ocelots. Spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR) methods in SPACECAP were less likely to overestimate densities, making it a useful tool in the planning and decision making process for the conservation of these species. The Northeastern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula maintains high populations of cats, the EEER and its surrounding areas are valuable sites for the conservation of this group of predators.

Animals , Felidae/classification , Animals, Wild , Conservation of Natural Resources , Mexico , Population Density
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(4): 1421-1432, oct.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-753700


The ocelot Leopardus pardalis is of particular significance in terrestrial communities due to its ecological role within the group of small-sized felids and as a mesopredator. However, despite the reduction of ocelot habitat in Southeast Mexico, there are still very few ecological studies. This research aimed to contribute with some ecological aspects of the species in this region. For this, 29 camera trap stations were established in a rain forest in Los Chimalapas (an area of 22km2) during a two years period (March 2011-June, 2013), in Oaxaca state, Southeast Mexico. Data allowed the estimation of the population density, activity pattern, sex ratio, residence time, and spatial distribution. Population density was calculated using Capture-Recapture Models for demographically open populations; besides, circular techniques were used to determine if nocturnal and diurnal activity varied significantly over the seasons, and Multiple Discriminant Analysis was used to determine which of the selected environmental variables best explained ocelot abundance in the region. A total of 103 ocelot records were obtained, with a total sampling effort of 8 529 trap-days. Density of 22-38individuals/100km2 was estimated. Ocelot population had a high proportion of transient individuals in the zone (55%), and the sex ratio was statistically equal to 1:1. Ocelot activity was more frequent at night (1:00-6:00h), but it also exhibited diurnal activity throughout the study period. Ocelot spatial distribution was positively affected by the proximity to the village as well as by the amount of prey. The ocelot population here appears to be stable, with a density similar to other regions in Central and South America, which could be attributed to the diversity of prey species and a low degree of disturbance in Los Chimalapas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (4): 1421-1432. Epub 2014 December 01.

El ocelote Leopardus pardalis es importante en comunidades terrestres debido a su papel ecológico dentro del grupo de felinos de tallas pequeñas y como mesodepredador. A pesar de la disminución del hábitat del ocelote en el sureste de México, son pocos los estudios ecológicos. El siguiente trabajo presenta una contribución de algunos aspectos ecológicos de la especie en esta región. Se estimó la densidad poblacional, patrón de actividad, proporción de sexos, tiempo de residencia y distribución espacial del ocelote. El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante fototrampeo dentro de Los Chimalapas, en el estado de Oaxaca, sureste de México. Se establecieron 29 estaciones dentro de la selva alta y se cubrió un área de 22km2, durante dos años (marzo 2011-junio 2013). La densidad fue estimada usando Modelos de Captura-Recaptura para poblaciones demográficamente abiertas, las técnicas circulares fueron usadas para determinar si la actividad nocturna y diurna varió significativamente entre épocas y, un análisis discriminante múltiple fue usado para conocer cuáles variables explican mejor la abundancia del ocelote en la región. Se obtuvieron 103 registros de ocelote con un esfuerzo de 8 529 días-trampa. Se estimó una densidad de 22-38 individuos/100km2. La población del ocelote tuvo un porcentaje alto de transeúntes (55%) y la proporción de sexos fue estadísticamente similar de 1:1. El ocelote estuvo más activo en la noche (1:00-6:00am), pero exhibió actividad diurna durante todo el periodo de estudio. La distribución espacial estuvo afectada positivamente por la proximidad a poblados y por la cantidad de presas. La población del ocelote parece estable, con una densidad similar a otras regiones de Centro y Sudamérica, quizá debido a la diversidad de especies presa y al grado bajo de alteración en Los Chimalapas.

Animals , Female , Male , Felidae , Rainforest , Felidae/classification , Felidae/physiology , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3,supl.1): S142-S145, 8/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732287


The occurrence of coat colour polymorphisms in populations may promote the ecological success of species by permitting a wider spectrum of use of different subsets of available resources. We conducted an analysis of temporal segregation by comparing night brightness with nocturnal activity of spotted and melanistic oncillas (Leopardus tigrinus). Melanistic oncillas were more active during bright nights and spotted oncillas and other species were more active during dark nights. Each colour morph occupied a temporal niche outside the confidence interval of the other colour morph, demonstrating the ecological significance of polymorphic colour patterns in this felid species.

A ocorrência de polimorfismo no padrão de pelagem de populações pode promover o sucesso ecológico das espécies por permitir um amplo espectro de uso de diferentes parcelas de recursos disponíveis. Nós testamos a existência de diferença na segregação temporal do gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus), comparando a luminosidade durante períodos de atividade noturna de indivíduos pintados e melânicos. Indivíduos melânicos de gato-do-mato-pequeno foram mais ativos durante noites claras e indivíduos pintados de gato-do-mato-pequeno e outras espécies foram mais ativas durante noites escuras. Cada forma de coloração ocupou um nicho temporal fora do intervalo de confiança do outro, demonstrando a significância ecológica dos padrões de polimorfismo de colorações nesta espécie de felino.

Animals , Circadian Rhythm/physiology , Felidae/physiology , Hair Color , Melanosis , Felidae/classification
Braz. j. biol ; 74(3): 632-641, 8/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-723866


We studied the diet of the ocelot and puma during the years 2007 and 2008 at the Feliciano Miguel Abdala Reserve, in Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. We collected 49 faecal samples (scats) from cats, and identified the species of cat from 23 of them by the analysis of the microstructure patterns of hairs found in their faeces: 17 scats of the puma (Puma concolor) and six of the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis). In the puma scats, we identified three species of primates (Brachyteles hypoxanthus, Alouatta guariba and Sapajus nigritus), the remains of which were found in eight of 17 collected (47.1%), representing 26.7% of items consumed. For the ocelot, we detected capuchin monkey (S. nigritus) remains in three of the six scats (50%), accounting for 18.7% of items consumed by ocelot. We were unable to identify the cat species in the remaining 26 faecal samples, but we were able to analyse the food items present. Primates were found in five of these 26 faeces (19.2%) and represented 10.2% of the items found. Although the sample size is limited, our results indicate a relatively high consumption of primates by felines. We believe that this high predation may be the result of the high local density of primates as well as the greater exposure to the risks of predation in fragmented landscapes, which tends to increase the incidence of the primates using the ground.

Nós estudamos a dieta de jaguatiricas e onças-pardas entre os anos de 2007 e 2008 na Reserva Feliciano Miguel Abdala, em Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. Nós coletamos 49 amostras fecais de felinos, em 23 das quais foi possível a identificação do predador através da análise do padrão microestrutural dos seus pelos encontrados nas fezes, sendo 17 fezes de onça-parda (Puma concolor) e seis de jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis). Nas amostras de onça-parda nós identificamos três espécies de primatas (Brachyteles hypoxanthus, Alouatta guariba e Sapajus nigritus), cujas partes não digeridas foram encontradas em oito das 17 fezes coletadas, representando 26,7% dos itens consumidos por onças-pardas. Para jaguatirica, nós detectamos macacos-prego (S. nigritus) em três de seis fezes, o que correspondeu a 18,7% dos itens consumidos. Para as 26 amostras fecais restantes, cuja identificação do predador não foi possível, nós analisamos os itens alimentares presentes. Restos de primatas foram identificados em cinco dessas fezes (19,3%), representando 10,2% dos itens encontrados. Apesar do tamanho da amostra ser limitado, nossos resultados indicam uma taxa relativamente alta de consumo de primatas por felinos. Nós acreditamos que essa alta taxa de predação pode ser resultado da grande densidade local de primatas, bem como do aumento do risco de predação em paisagens fragmentadas, o que tende a aumentar a incidência do uso do chão por parte dos primatas.

Animals , Felidae/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Brazil , Feces , Forests , Felidae/classification , Puma/physiology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 62(6): 1409-1414, dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-576040


Utilizou-se a citologia vaginal por meio de diferentes métodos de coloração para detecção de cio em jaguatirica, Leopardus pardalis, pela estimulação hormonal exógena e pela avaliação das estruturas ovarianas por videolaparoscopia. Cinco fêmeas foram tratadas com eCG/hCG e FSH/LH a cada quatro meses pelo período de dois anos. Videolaparoscopia foi realizada após cada tratamento utilizando-se cetamina-xilazina e isoflurano. Esfregaços vaginais foram obtidos 15 dias antes e após a videolaparoscopia. As lâminas foram analisadas ao microscópio de luz quanto aos tipos celulares predominantes. Todos os animais apresentaram folículos maduros (>2mm) e corpos lúteos recentes em todas as intervenções. Não houve diferença significativa entre os resultados obtidos na mesma coloração de acordo com os tratamentos utilizados. Todas as técnicas mostraram-se eficientes na detecção de células superficiais queratinizadas anucleadas e nucleadas, intermediárias, parabasais e basais. Foi possível determinar a fase de estro em Leopardus pardalis por meio da citologia vaginal.

Vaginal cytology was evaluated for estrus detection using different stains after hormonal stimulation with exogenous gonadotrophin (eCG/hCG, FSH/LH) and videolaparoscopy for ovarian structure evaluation. Five L. pardalis were treated four times during two years. After each treatment, videolaparoscopy was performed using Ketamine-Xylazine and Isoflurane. Vaginal cytology was made 15 days before and after videolaparoscopy. Three stains were used: Diff Quick, Papanicolaou, and Shorr. The slides were analyzed for the typical cell predominance. All the animals showed mature follicles (>2mm) and recent corpus luteum in all procedures. No significative difference was observed between the results in the same stain according to the treatment eCG/hCG and FSH/LH. All stains were efficient in detection of nucleated and anuclear superficial keratinized cells; intermediated, parabasal, and basal cells. Vaginal cytology can be used for estrus detection in Leopardus pardalis.

Animals , Estrus/metabolism , Felidae/classification , Cell Biology/instrumentation , Laparoscopy , Reproduction/physiology , Vagina/anatomy & histology
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(2): 779-787, jun. 2008. graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637675


Home range shifts prior to natal dispersal have been rarely documented, yet the events that lead a subadult to abandon a portion of its home range and venture into unfamiliar territories, before eventually setting off to look for a site to reproduce, are probably related to the causes of dispersal itself. Here, we used a combination of manual radio-tracking and an Automated Radio Telemetry System to continuously study the movements of a subadult male ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), a solitary carnivore with sex-biased dispersal, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, for 18 months from May 2003 through October 2004. The subadult ocelot’s parents were also radio-tracked to record possible parent-offspring interactions within their home ranges. At the age of ca. 21 months the subadult gradually began to shift its natal home range, establishing a new one used until the end of the study, in an area that had previously been used by another dispersing subadult male. Only three parent-offspring interactions were recorded during the four months around the time the range-shift occurred. The apparent peaceful nature of these encounters, along with the slow transition out of a portion of his natal home range, suggest the subadult was not evicted from his natal area by his parents. The timing of the shift, along with the subadult’s increase in weight into the weight range of adult ocelots four months after establishing the new territory, suggests that predispersal home range shifts could act as a low risk and opportunistic strategy for reaching adult size, while minimizing competition with parents and siblings, in preparation for an eventual dispersal into a new breeding territory. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 779-787. Epub 2008 June 30.

Los desplazamientos del ámbito hogareño de mamíferos subadultos previos a la dispersión natal rara vez han sido documentados. Sin embargo, los eventos que llevan a un animal subadulto a abandonar una parte de su ámbito natal, antes de buscar un sitio definitivo donde reproducirse, pueden estar relacionados con las causas de la dispersión en si. En este estudio, utilizamos una combinación de radio-telemetría manual y un Sistema de Radio-Telemetría Automatizado para estudiar de manera continua los movimientos de un ocelote (Leopardus pardalis) macho subadulto, un carnívoro solitario con dispersión sesgada sexualmente, en la Isla de Barro Colorado, Panamá, durante 18 meses (mayo 2003 hasta octubre 2004). Los padres del ocelote subadulto también fueron monitoreados por radio-telemetría para registrar posibles interacciones entre padres e hijo en sus ámbitos hogareños. A la edad aproximada de 21 meses, el ocelote subadulto comenzó a desplazar gradualmente su ámbito hogareño natal, estableciendo uno nuevo que fue ocupado hasta el final del estudio, en un área que había sido ocupada previamente por otro macho subadulto en dispersión. Se registraron solamente tres interacciones entre padres e hijo en los cuatro meses del desplazamiento. La aparente naturaleza pacífica de estos encuentros, junto con el lento abandono de una parte de su ámbito hogareño natal, sugieren que el subadulto no fue expulsado de su área natal por sus padres. El momento del desplazamiento, junto con el incremento en peso del subadulto (al peso propio de un adulto) cuatro meses después de haber establecido su nuevo territorio, sugiere que los desplazamientos del ámbito hogareño previos a la dispersión natal podrían actuar como una estrategia oportunista y de bajo riesgo para alcanzar el tamaño adulto, minimizando la competencia con padres y hermanos, en preparación para una dispersión final a un nuevo territorio para reproducirse.

Animals , Female , Male , Animal Migration/physiology , Felidae/physiology , Felidae/classification , Panama , Social Behavior , Sexual Behavior, Animal/physiology , Sexual Maturation/physiology , Telemetry
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(2): 969-974, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637690


Felines: an alternative in genetic toxicology studies? The micronuclei (MN) test carry out in peripheral blood is fast, simple, economic and it is used to detect genotoxic environmental agents. MN are fragments of chromosomes or complete chromosomes remaining in the cytoplasm after cell division, which increase when organisms are exposed to genotoxic agents. Therefore, species with the highest values of spontaneous micronucleated erythrocytes (MNE) are the most suitable to be potentials biomonitor of micronucleogenic agents, using a drop of blood. Nine species of Felines that present spontaneous MNE in peripheral blood are shown. From these species, the cat has been previously proven, with positive results and also lion (Panthera leo), yaguaroundi (Felis yagoaroundi), lynx (Lynx ruffus), jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), tiger (Panthera tigris), ocelote (Felis padalis) and leopard (Panthera pardus) display spontaneous MNE, and with this characteristic this Family can be propose like a potential group to be used in toxicogenetic studies. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 969-974. Epub 2008 June 30.

La prueba de micronúcleos (MN) en sangre periférica es rápida, sencilla, económica y sirve para detectar genotóxicos ambientales. Los MN son fragmentos de cromosomas o cromosomas completos que por alguna causa quedan fuera del núcleo en mitosis, pero que incrementan significativamente cuando los organismos que los presentan de manera espontánea se exponen a genotóxicos. Por lo tanto, el requisito para que una especie pueda ser utilizada para esta prueba es que presente eritrocitos micronucleados espontáneos (EMNe), con lo que estas especies pueden ser potenciales bioindicadores de genotóxicos micronucleogénicos, con sólo una gota de su sangre. En el presente articulo es mostramos 9 especies de felinos que como característica general presentan EMNe. Del total de especies de felinos, el gato ha sido previamente probado, con resultados positivos y ya que también el león, yaguaroundi, lince, jaguar, puma, tigre de bengala, ocelote y leopardo presentan EMNe, esta familia puede ser propuesta como un grupo potencialmente adecuado para estudios de toxicogenética. En otras palabras, cada una de estas especies puede llegar a ser un modelo potencial para determinar exposición a genotóxicos en nuestro entorno, de una manera sencilla y rápida.

Animals , Cats , Felidae/genetics , Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective/drug effects , Micronucleus Tests/methods , Felidae/classification